1. Get a Minecraft launcher that supports modpack installation. I use Prism, but you can also use GDLauncher or any other launcher that supports FTB modpacks (don't use Overwolf, it's bloated with ads and has a bad reputation handling user data and security).
  2. Download Create: Astral v2.0.5b (the most currently up-to-date version as of 1st Feb 2024) here. DON'T unzip it.
  3. Create a new instance in your Minecraft launcher of choice, then select 'Import from zip'. Select the zip file with Create: Astral.
  4. Launch it. You will likely be prompted to register your login details with your launcher of choice. Do that, and continue.
  5. OPTIONAL: You might be prompted to locate a Java installation. You will want to use Java 17, so if you don't have it, go get it here, install it, then select it in your launcher after.

You now have Create: Astral set up!


The server domain is:

You can view a live map of the server and interact with the server chat on your browser here:

The server is currently hosted in Virginia, i.e. US EAST


Create: Astral makes use of FTB Quests to guide you through progressing the pack. The default key to open the FTB Quests GUI is 'j'. Click on a quest to see advice on what to do next, as well as completion requirements and rewards.

If you're playing with other people and want to progress as a group, you can use FTB Teams to make a team. The FTB Teams GUI keybind is unbound by default, so you'll have to bind it to a key (I recommend the ` key). Once you've done that, the GUI is fairly simple to navigate in terms of setting up a team. While in a team, all progress on quests will be synced, so you can progress together. This also works retroactively, if you wanted to bring someone new to your level of progress.

Create: Astral unifies all tech progression to Tech Reborn and Create, as well as using other supplementry mods such as Farmer's Delight. It is encouraged that you seek out relevant information for either yourself, however Create has its own in-game tutorials via the 'Ponder' keyword (click on the goggles icon in the menu and click 'Ponder Index' to see all tutorials in this manner).

If you're handy with a skin editor, Create: Astral also comes with the Ears mod, which allows you to add details to your skins such as ears, tails, snouts and more. Check here for more information with customising that.


How do I make tools?

The traditional suite of vanilla tools require Create materials or stations. Instead, to make tools early on, you'll have to set up a Tinker's Construct station (named "Hephaestus" in this pack, which is a Fabric port of TC) and make tools that way. Follow the in-game quests for a guided tutorial on this (Note: Some tools, like the Copper tools, do use the vanilla recipe, but these are far and few between).

Server says 'Old' or 'Paper X.XX' and won't let me connect!

Your client or modpack is on the wrong version of Minecraft. Make sure you're on Minecraft version 1.18.2 with Create: Astral v2.0.5b.

I can't visit the Nether!

That's right! There is no Nether in Create: Astral, all of the resources you can acquire via the Nether are instead distributed around the world, or possibly... on other worlds?

Can't find/connect to server!

This can be a number of issues. DM me on Discord at 'photonicDog' and I'll try and help.